Women Grow Strong, Inc., also known as WINGS (an acronym for Women in Need Growing Strong) is a not-for-profit organization that provides training, counseling, development and discipleship to females (girls, young adults, women and senior citizens). WINGS helps to sow seeds of mercy, grace, provision and love into the hearts and souls of women seeking to build their confidence and self-esteem and to become empowered in all that they do.
Incorporated in 2008, WINGS was developed as a result of a direct need for such services for females of every race, creed and religion. Bernadette Morris, a successful business executive, is the organization’s founder and CEO.
The overall goal of Women Grow Strong, Inc., is to help develop, build and sustain women and girls’ contributions and goals in society through educational training, counseling and business development initiatives for both teens and adults. Topics ranging from health and fitness to image and business etiquette will be addressed through workshops and intensive sessions.
Women Grow Strong, Inc. 501(c) (3). Its corporate headquarters is located in Miami, Florida, and with an affiliate location near Asheville, North Carolina.
Featured Activities
National Read Across America Day
March 2nd
Sunday, March 2 is National Read Across America Day and Dr. Seuss’ Birthday. In recognition of this special day, Women Grow Strong’s CEO – the one and only Bernadette - will be joining forces with The Embrace Girls Foundation for the Big Brunch Book Reading! This fun filled event will be loaded with exceptionally wonderful books that community leaders and business execs will read, share, and explore with young, bright and aspiring girls. For details and more information, contact the team at Women Grow Strong at (305) 948-8063. #literacymatters #read
Fall 2024

Pop-Up Shop
Coming Soon!
Women Grow Strong Virtual Pop-Up Shop
We are placing the finishing touches on this new, super special and totally creative virtual pop-up shop, with all proceeds benefitting Women Grow Strong, Inc. It will feature clothes from Size 2 to 20, shoes, handbags, jewelry (gotta have some bling), and a whole lot more. Be sure to sign up and get the latest and greatest news on the super cute goods.
Programs & Services
Women Grow Strong, Inc., offers a wealth of workshops designed to facilitate education, motivation and inspiration. The workshops roll out a royal court of fashion, fitness, food and fanfare and are fit for a queen.
Training Programs & Sessions

Boardroom Basics – Successful tools and techniques used to succeed in the business workplace.

Fit for a Queen – An innovative training series featuring empowering sessions that focus on Finances, Fashion, Food and Fitness.

Food for the Soul – A fun and energetic training session designed to develop recipes that will help heal, help empower and help sustain a woman in need.

Jewels for the Journey – A workshop that provides interactive programs and training tools, including the “Total Woman” puzzle, the “Jars of Clay” exercise and more, that are interwoven into a lecture and hands on speaking session with meaningful dialogue and vivid exchange.
Special Sessions
Healthy Hearts Initiatives – A moving session on proper dieting and exercise techniques for a healthier and happier you
Operation Runway Couture – A fun-filled empowerment program featuring a fashionable clothing frenzy donation bid
WINGS Engagements
Speaking sessions at business and ministry conferences and/or special services – virtually an/or in person. The include half-day and/or full day training workshops.
• WINGS sessions are provided on-site at various facilities including corporate offices and conference rooms, hotels, churches, and faith-based meeting sites throughout the country.
• “WING BLING” products, including the exclusive and originally designed charm bracelets, lapel pin and bling tops are available for purchase to women after completion of the WINGS sessions.
Fashion Cent$
“Fashion Cent$” is a clothing service of Women Grow Strong, Inc. Participants donate clothes to the organization and our personal shoppers will design, accessorize and post the outfits for reuse. Donations provided are used to help support training session attendance for women in need.
Donations to Women Grow Strong, Inc. are accepted (via cash, check, credit card and/or in-kind support) and are tax deductible to the fullest extent by law.
Donate Now
To schedule a business coaching or personal consultation session with Bernadette Morris, or for more information on Women Grow Strong:
Bernadette Morris
If you are in need of help, or interested in volunteering to support the efforts of Women Grow Strong, Inc., please use the above email to submit your comments.